In the past 3 years, we’ve worked with MHC Top 50 owners on their value add renovations. They use us to get best pricing on materials, ensure that renovations are meticulously managed, and to achieve their return goals without a long tenant turnover process.
We work with teams who are tired of the status quo and want contractors and suppliers to operate with the same level of expertise and professionalism they expect their teams to do.
Heights imports materials for best pricing. Units are meticulously measured to ensure accuracy of materials ordered. We renovate occupied units quickly with minimal disturbance to tenants and complete a single unit renovation in 3 days doing 3 units simultaneously.
Our goal is to enable our partners to generate extraordinary returns through value-add improvements of multifamily properties faster and more cost effectively than any other alternative.
If you are struggling with value add, have turnover in your asset management, property management, or maintenance teams we would love to see if we can help you.