CEE Animation is an umbrella of regional activities for promotion and development of the animation and its talents in more than 20 countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The objective of CEE Animation is to raise the competencies of professionals and give them equal access to financing and the markets as their Western peers, by fostering co-production and sustainable business models.
CEE Animation is the new umbrella name for all the activities previously known as Visegrad Animation Forum, or VAF.
CEE Animation tries to attract new partners, producers, broadcasters, and film distributors. It also tries to find ways of financing short or feature films and TV animated series. Lastly, it seeks to increase professional experience, to present the abilities of filmmakers and producers, and improve the quality of content and the visual side of projects.
Another important objective is to improve the practical abilities of animated film authors and producers and to seek and offer connections among film professionals, authors and television producers and distributors from different countries.
We are very much aware that without high-quality projects, high-quality authors and experienced film and television professionals, and without their cooperation and communication, it would not be possible to build an industry that has tremendous potential in the countries of Eastern Europe.