Timor Telecom (TT), the Fixed and Mobile Telecommunications Network operator of Timor-Leste, was practically born from scratch after the telecommunications infrastructure of the country were destroyed in September 1999. In 2001, still under the auspices of UNTAET (UN administration), an international tender for construction of a Telecommunications system in Timor-Leste was launched under the BOT regime (Build, Operate, Transfer). In July 2002, the Timor Telecom consortium (promoted by Portugal Telecom) won the bid, and signed the respective Concession Agreement between the State of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and Timor Telecom. On the 17th of October the Timor Telecom consortium became official as Timor Telecom, SA – the first corporation formed in the country. On 1st of March 2003, Timor Telecom started its operations (Dili Los Palos, Baucau and Oecusse).
13 years later, Timor Telecom is a dynamic and a solid company that has surpassed various challenges and has always accompanied the Timorese people on their journey since the Restoration of Independence.