Arthveda Fund Management Pvt. Ltd. (AVFM) is in the business of asset management, with a focus on alternative investment funds covering asset classes such as real estate and traded markets. AVFM is in the process of launching funds for off-shore investors while in the domestic market the company has launched funds under various licenses from Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which are as under:
Venture Capital Fund (VCF)
Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
Portfolio Management Services (PMS) / Separately Managed Accounts
The objective of Arthveda is to manage funds that offer ample opportunities for extracting alpha, i.e. high risk-adjusted returns. The company believes in “Value Investing” and predominantly follows this principle in all its investment-decisions across asset classes. Arthveda’s investor-focused approach is guided by its belief in transparency and high standards of corporate governance.