Link is a software engineering company from Barcelona specialized in technology applied to urban services (Waste collection, recycling and street cleaning). We develop beautiful products (mobile apps, data platforms, web applications, Bluetooth sensors) for City councils and municipalities.
Our mission is to help cities improve urban services through technology. Urban services play a key role in the fabric of a city and have a very direct impact on the well-being of people. We help City Managers run them in a more sustainable and efficient way.
With our products we also change the way citizens interact with their services, to involve them in waste collection and make them more aware of their contribution to improve their city and its environment.
We are a team of developers, engineers, designers and environmentalists. Learning is a core value for us, and we like to put it the centre of the experience. We are growing fast and want to get good things done whilst enjoying the ride.
If you are a City Manager and would like a demo of our products, get in touch!
If you want to join the team, get in touch!