On February 24, 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine by launching a full-scale invasion to the territory of the independent state, denying Ukraine’s right for sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Starting from the very first day of the full-scale war, a team of Ukrainian civil society professionals and activists launched an online resource https://sharethetruths.org/ with daily updates about key developments related to the Russia-Ukraine war.
We believe that fact and evidence-based information is a powerful tool in resisting, especially in this very complex hybrid war.
Our project analyzes the war in Ukraine through the human security lens. Security of the country and its citizens includes physical security, as well political, economic, and environmental, security of communities, etc., as well as health care, law enforcement. The daily briefs present a condensed overview of the main developments of the last 24 hours from the perspective of political, socio-economic, energy, digital, and cultural security.
How do people use these updates?
- Read and share with friends and neighbors to understand the situation better;
- Share with media in respective country and call to disseminate information further;
- Print it out and disseminate as a flier during rallies which support Ukrainians;
- Share with friends and colleagues in Russia and Belarus and call them to protest against war in Ukraine and the authoritarian Putin regime.