THE MEDICAL TEAM, INC. is a diversified healthcare services company in business since 1978 and headquartered in suburban Washington, DC (Reston, VA). Each year we help thousands of our patients live at home, whether in a private residence or senior community, as independently as possible. Our commitment to clinical excellence ensures that we achieve the best possible outcomes. For patients recently discharged from the hospital, we ensure complete continuity of care.
Our family of companies includes: THE MEDICAL TEAM, INC., Med Team, Inc., and THE MEDICAL TEAM Personal Care Services. The company has operated home care agencies in Louisiana since 1979, in Texas and Michigan since 1983, and in Virginia since 1985. Each is licensed and certified to provide services under Medicare and Medicaid. All agencies are Tricare in-network providers and preferred providers for numerous insurance plans.
Hospitals and Health Care, Elder Care, Foundations & Masonry, Medical Facilities, Mental & Behavioral Health
HQ Location
1896 Preston White Dr
Reston, Virginia 20191, US
Certified Home Health Care ServicesSkilled NursingPhysical TherapyOccupational TherapySpeech TherapyMedical Social ServicesPrivate DutyPersonal Care ServicesHealth ScreeningsEducational Wellness Programs