Alliance is a world renowned, championship winning, esports team, established in 2013 with roots in Nordic and Asian culture. Since its inception, Alliance has consistently performed at a premier level in some of the world’s most popular esports titles.
Today, 35 athletes play for the Alliance banner in 8 different top tier games, representing 17 different nationalities. The headquarters are located in Gothenburg, Sweden and there are additional offices and team houses spread all across the world.
Alliance’s international success and unrivalled talent development makes the organization a cornerstone of esports history and pioneer in the industry. Feats such as winning the World Championship in Dota 2 in 2013, representing Armada (awarded “The Greatest of All Time in Super Smash” and 10th player in history to be inducted in the “Esports Hall of Fame”) and being a sustainable and profitable organization in this fast evolving industry, showcases the breadth and depth of Alliance’s competencies.
Alliance’s legacy status in the industry, it’s strong leadership, growing fans as well as alumni base, places the organization in the ideal position to keep writing the history of esports.