By combining actuarial knowledge and management know-how in our top-level A.I. driven software, we at Posthuma Partners help our clients develop their core business. Our software and services provides optimization possibilities for every company that operates within the field of financial services.
We provide solutions on complex issues for non-life insurers, healthcare institutions, broker agencies or a companies that want more focus on their operational excellence.
We can streamline your business by either our:
High-end A.I. services like our Claims Management Filter (CMF), A.I. Document check (OCR) or Damage Recognition tool which helps to make every insurers activities more cost efficient and less prone to fraud.
Top-level actuarial services that are scientifically validated and evidence based stand-alone software tool; Integral Financial Modeling (IFM) which helps you take full control on portfolio, predict future financial scenarios and comply to regulations like Solvency II and IFRS 17. Next to that we offer tools for dynamic pricing policies and optimization of your risk management.
Expertise in Data Science where we can provide help with your complex data related issues, giving support by bringing adequate Data Science Interims to your team or joining our Data Science Academy so your people stay up to date with the latest skills, do’s and don’ts surrounding the wonderful world of data.
So if you want to make a difference in your core-business and innovate towards the future? Contact us now at: