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About Martha Gale Mc Garry
Martha Gale Mc Garry is Property Manager at b7 Properties in 美国 康乃狄克州 格罗顿. Previously worked at Social Vision with Martha Gale LLC as Social Media Manager. b7 Properties is a Real Estate company in 1 Bradford St
Bristol, Rhode Island 02809, US with 9 employees
Martha Gale Mc Garry Social
Martha Gale Mc Garry Work
Martha Gale Mc Garry is the Property Manager @b7 Properties, with experience in Social Media Manager @Social Vision with Martha Gale LLC
We purchase, and ultimately sell or refinance, multi-family properties that are tired and in need of significant cosmetic updating. We reposition the properties by bringing them up to 2021 standards. We are then able to compete with newer “Class A” properties in the area at a price tier just below them. To mitigate risk, we test the renovation program in a few units as they become available, and then roll out or adjust the program accordingly.