The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences offers interdisciplinary, bachelor and master programmes geared to the needs of the labour market:
- Applied Image & Signal Processing (MA)*
- Information Technology and Systems Management (BA & MA)
- Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction (BA)
- Forest Products Technology & Management (MA)
- Smart Building (BA)
- Business Management (BA & MA)
- Innovation and Management in Tourism (BA & MA)*
- Innovation in the field of Social Profit (MA)
- SME-Management & Enterpreneurship (BA)
- Social Work (BA)
- MultiMediaTechnology (BA & MA)
- MultiMediaArt (BA & MA)
- Design & Product Management (BA & MA)
- Biomedical Laboratory (BA)
- Occupational Therapy (BA)
- Midwifery (BA)
- Orthoptics (BA)
- Physiotherapy (BA)
- Radiation Technology (BA)
BA = Bachelor
MA = Master
* available in English