Marko Virkebau
Co-Founder, Cfo And Coo at Meetfrank
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Work Experience
Co-Founder, Cfo And Coo
Company Details
11-50 Employees
How MeetFrank works: 1. Create a free profile in the MeetFrank app by listing your skills and expectations. 2. We will show your profile to 100s of recruiters, so you'd get direct job offers in days. 3. The rest is up to you – pick the best offers, chat with recruiters, and get a job you love! MeetFrank for business: Recruiters use MeetFrank to actively source remote candidates in just 5 minutes a day. Faster than a job board, cheaper than a recruitment agency. What makes it great for recruiters: • Instant access to active candidates as soon as you publish a position • All candidates have uploaded their detailed profiles and are open for jobs. No scraped profiles. • Send a pitch message to promising candidates with one click, chat and make a hire.
Year Founded
Social Media
Human Resources
HQ Location
Erika 14 Tallinn, Harjumaa 10416, EE
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