The Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) is the public funding agency for research, innovation, education and culture in Iceland.
RANNIS cooperates closely with the Icelandic Science and Technology Policy Council and provides professional assistance the preparation and implementation of science and technology policy in Iceland.
RANNIS administers nartional competitive funds, coordinates and promotes Icelandic participation in collaborative international programmes in research, education and culture. RANNIS monitors resources and performance in R&D and promotes public awareness of research, innovation, education and culture in Iceland. RANNIS administers EU programmes on behalf of Iceland, such as Horizon 2020 and is the National Agency for Erasmus+ and Creative Europe.
Competitive fundsResearch and innovationInternational cooperationScience and innovation policyHorizon 2020 European Framework Programme for Research and InnovationCreative EuropeErasmus+and Education and CultureResearch and innovatioInternational cooperatio