Influencers are big with under 30’s. 17% of companies spent over half their marketing budget on Influencers in 2019. 61% of marketers consider it difficult to find relevant influencers for a campaign.
INFLUENCER management is labour intensive and has no direct correlation to ROI. In fact, no one in the industry can successfully point to a fool-proof ROI model.
Until now.
We believe that enabling Influencers to monetise is the key for us to build an all reaching Influencer-led marketplace.
Current online e-commerce transactions are largely two-way interactions.
There are buyers and sellers. Even when a referral is involved in the sell - that referrer is not always remunerated well or successfully.
Three-way transactions should be the norm. Buyers (The Shopper) choose their purchasing recommendations and advice from knowledgeable and trusted referrers (The Influencers). Sellers (Retailers) have a stable of dedicated and loyal referrers who act as sales agents and de facto brand champions.