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About Mark Punchard
Mark Punchard is Recovery Program Coordinator at Westminster Rescue Mission in gettysburg, pennsylvania, united states. Westminster Rescue Mission is a Mental Health Care company in 658 Lucabaugh Mill Rd
Westminster, Maryland 21157-3814, US with 21 employees
The Westminster Rescue Mission is a nonprofit Christian organization committed to seeing lives healed and transformed. The Mission's two distinct areas of service include:
Our ADDICTION HEALING CENTER (AHC) is a CARF-accredited, ASAM 3.1 treatment program, offering two avenues of support for people seeking substance-use disorder recovery. Our multi-faceted, faith-based, treatment approach is tailored for each client, and completely free of charge. We also offer independent living and recovery maintenance through our transitional housing, outpatient and after-care services.
For those experiencing food insecurity, the MISSION FOOD PROGRAM provides community outreach services and a food pantry for individuals and families in need of hunger relief.