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About Mark Peden
Mark Peden has 2 current jobs including at CommutePays - The Everyday, Everyones Mileage Program in Beaverton, Oregon, United States, at Angel Oregon, LLC. Previously worked at Broadband ERA, LLC as undefined. CommutePays - The Everyday, Everyones Mileage Program is a Technology, Information and Internet company in undefined with 3 employees
Join the more then 100 million commuters out there who are stuck in traffic and earn miles for your commute.
Earn miles for driving, biking or walking, bonus miles for engaging with brands you choose, and use the miles you earn to unlock even more in-store promotions or Perks. You can earn sponsored miles from your favorite brands like; Starbucks, Ford Quicklane, Sonic, Best Buy, Pizza Hut and AMC. Taking the best features of Shopkick, Shopular, iPoll, FourSquare,, GroupOn, Cellfire, Coupon Clipper and rolling them all into one simple to use solution.
You can also use your commute miles at any time to exchange for promotions on our map and check all kinds of stats for the miles you have accumulated.
“Mobile coupons are going mainstream,” Juniper Research analyst David Snow said. “Cost effective mobile coupon campaigns are now within the reach of smaller retailers providing them with an easy way to drive profitable footfall and build customer loyalty. To ignore the potential of mobile coupons would be to ignore the future of mobile commerce.”
Snow’s comments, which also suggest an opt-in approach could be more beneficial for retailers, complement a recent report from Retrevo that claimed retail stores are failing shoppers by not providing them with enough incentives to shop in-store instead of online.