About Shivat Zion
The process of making Aliyah and the path to successful integration in Israel are not always simple and easily understandable. Shivat Zion is a non-profit operation and aims to help Olim from European and Latin American countries with all their needs, from the moment of the first enquiry about making Aliyah until they have comfortably settled in Israel.
Shivat Zion aims to advance Aliyah and support Olim from all Latin-American and European countries, excluding countries belonging to the FSU, France, Belgium and the United Kingdom.
Shivat Zion's aim is to not reinvent the wheel, but rather to cooperate with all existing organizations and solutions in a constructive and efficient way. Our main focus is to be the human factor in a confusing new reality and helping in a language/culturally appropriate way, making information accessible and easy to absorb, ensuring that each Oleh who needs help is provided with a suitable and workable solution.
Shivat Zion aims to be a complementary non-profit service to the existing governmental, semi-governmental and NGO's working in the field of Aliyah and Klita, and will not hinder or disturb the work of those agencies.
Our mission is to assist fellow Jews in their process of Aliyah and Klita, helping them fulfil their yearning desire to come home to Israel.
To become the portal for European and Latin-American Olim to turn to for information, guidance and help with Aliyah and Klita (Absorption). Become a beacon of trust, hope and ‘safety net’ for Olim from the moment they decide to make Aliyah until they successfully integrate.