JJ Churchill Ltd. is a precision engineering business in the aerospace, powergen, medtech, diesel engine and defence sectors.
Employing 130 highly skilled and motivated people, JJ Churchill has had a strong focus on the manufacture of aerofoils for aerospace and industrial applications for the last 80 years. Our expertise is centered on the compressor and turbine stages and runs across platform lifecycle from new product development and introduction, through volume manufacture and finally into spares.
JJ Churchill has taken a consistent position of technical leadership. The company has demonstrating advanced approaches to controlling aerofoil geometry in a production environment, whether machining from precision or oversized forgings, bar or castings; these innovations being recognised by the UK government. Specific areas of expertise surround the milling of elliptical lead-edges on compressor forgings and high-speed VIPER grinding of complex turbine castings.
As would be expected, to supply the above, a full suite of certifications and customer approvals is maintained. These include: BS EN ISO 9001: 2008, AS EN 9100: Revision C, NADCAP: (Chemical Machining, Induction Brazing, & NDT) and BS EN ISO 14001:2004.