Community Greening is an urban forestry nonprofit on a mission to create a more sustainable & environmentally equitable South Florida through planting trees!
Since its founding in 2016, Community Greening has planted more than 18,0000 trees with over 8,000 volunteers through tree planting events at parks & schools, and free tree distribution programs to South Florida residents.
Community Greening focuses its planting efforts in the areas that need it most. Underserved communities tend to have a much lower tree canopy, and are therefore missing out on the numerous benefits trees provide.
Get involved with Community Greening by volunteering at a tree planting, picking up a tree during one of our giveaways, or having your company sponsor a planting project.
Community Greening is a member of the Arbor Day Foundation’s Alliance for Community Trees and the Florida Urban Forestry Council, as well as 1% for the Planet.