Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS) is a state institution of higher education established in Lublin, Poland in 1944. It offers academic programmes at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels at ten faculties. UMCS also runs Foreign Languages Teaching Centre, Academic Sports and Physical Education Centre, Botanic Gardens, University Centre for Open Courses, Polish Language and Culture Center for overseas students, as well as several branches or affiliated colleges located in other towns of the region.
The standard offer of the Polish Language and Culture Centre is adjusted to diversified needs and requirements of participants and includes supplementary trips to major Polish cities, social events and visits to museums and theatres. The Centre offers a variety of tailor-made courses for foreigners who want to improve their language skills and broaden their knowledge on the history and culture of Poland. An important education institution is Main Library with a network of faculty libraries, as well as British Council Library and Alliance Francaise UMCS branches.
There are over 27 thousand students, eight hundred doctoral students and nearly two thousand superbly educated academic staff and highly qualified specialists in numerous fields. All these above-mentioned factors make Maria Curie-Skłodowska University the largest university in eastern Poland.
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