The New England League of Middle Schools is a nonprofit organization filed under Massachusetts Articles of Corporation. Its organizational structure is governed by a constitution and bylaws drafted and approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is comprised of elected representatives from each of the New England states who serve a four-year term. Representation is proportional according to membership in the state. There are two special Board seats that represent special membership groups: a Teacher Representative and a Professor of Middle Level education representative.
NELMS is an affiliate of the National Middle School Association and partners collaboratively with state middle level organizations in each state and also tries to work collaboratively with each administrative organization as well.
The office staff oversees all NELMS activities which include our popular and educational Annual Conference in Providence, RI; Summer Institutes and Courses at the Attitash Grand Summit Hotel in Bartlett, NH; Sturbridge Conferences, and topic evolving related events such as school scheduling and programs for teachers new to the middle level. We also offer school-wide and specific program assessments, in-house consultations, school-based professional development programs and much more.