Emmemobili is born from the tradition of Tagliabue’s firm, established in Cantù in 1879, which focused itself from the very beginning on the creation of high-quality custom-made furniture. The cooperation with leading architects and the gained experience let it to win the Prize at the Triennale del Design in the ‘30s. Subsequently, in the ’50, alongside with the traditional production, it developed the process of manufacturing multilayer wooden panels, first for the aviation industry and then, applying the bent plywood technology, it became a reference company.
The Company is currently run by the 4th and 5th generation of the family, always careful to international trends with an innovative design, purposes of high quality and product customization. This has gone from an artisanal dimension to the current industrial one which, even in its evolution, has maintained the DNA of quality and excellence. The Emmemobili journey has always been independent from stylistic and of the moment trends, sometimes daring, towards the realization of “works of art”, not necessarily coordinated with one another, but each one with its own story. Thus, over the years, the collection of its furnishings has grown, giving life to a whole of products with a remarkable interpretative personality. ome present minimal and elegant lines, while others have a more decorative and unusual character, but everyone the common denominator of being timeless pieces and masterpieces of expert workmanship.
On sale in the best shops, especially international, as a confirmation of the cosmopolitan taste of the collection. Valued and sought after by the best international furniture and style magazines.