Marina Pincarilho
Managing Partner at Steam Smart Business Services
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Work Experience
Managing Partner
Jul 2014 - Present · 10 years and 5 months
crowne plaza vilamoura algarve
Project: Corporate Sales And Public Relations Manager
2012 - 2012
Founder And Chief Executive Officer
2009 - Present · 15 years and 11 months
Company Details
A Steam resulta da fusão entre a CopiRisco e a Insert. Há mais de 20 anos no mercado, posiciona-se como prestadora de serviços e criadora de soluções smart para os negócios e a gestão, tendo como missão contribuir para aumentar a energia criativa das organizações, tornando-as mais fortes, competitivas e sustentáveis. With more than 20 years on the market, Steam positions itself as a service provider and creator of smart solutions for businesses and management, with the mission of helping to increase creative energy STEAM offers a set of smart services and solutions for businesses and management, with the mission of helping to increase the creative energy of organizations, making them stronger, more competitive and more sustainable. Based on the knowledge, experience and positive attitude of its employees, the multidisciplinary structure of Steam enhances responses and broad consulting, interim management and outsourcing solutions, to support the creation, transformation and growth of businesses and companies, making them stronger, more competitive and more sustainable. "We empower your business"
Year Founded
Social Media
Business Consulting and Services, Operational market research services, Services to businesses, Business Services, Payroll services, Kanban system consultants and services, Economic studies, Financial management consultants and services, Bookkeeping and accounting services, Financial rescue and company rehabilitation consultants
HQ Location
Condomínio Alcântara-Rio Rua da Cozinha Económica, 36 2-Dto Alcantara, 1300-149 Lisboa, PT
Gestão FinanceiraContabilidadeControlo de Gestão e FiscalidadeEstratégiaMarketing & User ExperienceGestão Comercialand Organização e Recursos Humanos
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