Universal Field Services, Inc. is America's leader in delivering a full range of land and right of way acquisition services, from title search and permitting to acquisition, relocation assistance, and project management.
With regional and project offices across the nation and hundreds of professional staff, we will deliver the land and right of way you need for your projects. Our top priority is accomplishing your schedule and budget goals.
Discover The Universal Advantage...
* 66 Years of Experience
* Highly Trained, Well-Qualified People
* Full Corporate Commitment to Client Success
* Quality Processes
Universal offers following services:
- land and right of way acquisition negotiations
- environmental permitting
- GIS/mapping
- surveying
- relocation assistance
- appraisal
- cost studies
- permitting
- project management
- title search
- database management systems
- route selection
- settlement of construction damages
- partnering with engineers
- complete turnkey services
If you are currently employed in the right of way industry, have a prior experience or wish to pursue a career in right of way, Universal Field Services, Inc. is always seeking quality, motivated right of way personnel to work on projects throughout the United States. To explore our employment opportunities, please complete an on-line application at www.ufsrw.com. You should also submit a detailed resume. Thank you!