NAMI-NYC helps families and individuals affected by mental illness build better lives through education, support, and advocacy.
NAMI’s guiding principle is “families helping families.” Towards that end, we offer free classes throughout the year, for family and friends, and individuals living with mental illness.
We provide nearly 30 ongoing support groups for people living with mental illness and for their family members. Groups are facilitated by trained peer volunteers.
We work closely with NAMI national and NAMI-New York State to advocate for improved services for: people with mental illness and their families; health insurance parity; the allocation of more resources for research into neurobiological disorders; and comprehensive, accessible treatment options. Our staff and volunteers: provide professional testimony; sit on task forces, boards and commissions; and collaborate with other advocacy organizations. Annual awareness and fundraising events include our fall Seeds of Hope gala and NAMIWalks NYC.