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About Marijn Bakker
Marijn Bakker is Back-End Php Developer at Let's Book in Planciusstraat 28-Hs
Amsterdam, NL. Previously worked at ENRA verzekeringen bv as Full Stack Laravel Developer. Let's Book is a Software Development company in Planciusstraat 28-Hs
Amsterdam, NL with 5 employees
Marijn Bakker Social
Marijn Bakker Work
Marijn Bakker is the Back-End Php Developer @Let's Book, with experience in Full Stack Laravel Developer @ENRA verzekeringen bv
Imagine having a tool that streamlines bookings, planning, payments, and fleet management effortlessly. That's what we're striving for at Let's Book – simplicity in the midst of complexity.
Welcome to Let's Book, our humble venture that started amidst the canals and culture of Amsterdam. We're not claiming to have all the answers, but we're on a mission to simplify the complex for boat rental companies worldwide.