Officially created in 2000, Eyescream Animation Ltd. has produced groundbreaking animation for a plethora of industries including architectural firms, construction companies, interior designers, private developers, advertising agencies, and both private and government institutions. After almost two decades in business, we are no longer just an animation company. We have grown and developed a rock-solid team now offering expertise in brand building, traditional and social media advertising, full productions, and architecture. The evolution of Eyescream continues with a vision to build something dynamic and new in this market. We focus on building the people behind the Eyescream brand and because of that, we now house a full suite of producers, animators, graphics artists, writers, designers, social media experts, and creative brain powers. All these artistic strengths and imaginative minds work hand in hand to give our clients nothing short of ‘wow’! Our clientele continues to grow due to our ability to have a personally tailored service for their brand and needs. Eyescream knows that “If you build it they will come!” And we can build anything through animation, production, architecture and more!