RD Demos & Marketing Services is committed to the success of your brand.
We use our friendly and knowledgeable staff to incase your brand's presence in the bustling sales environment that is the Restaurant Depot Warehouse.
Below are just a few ways we can help you succeed.
RD Demos representatives are fully trained to become experts on your brand, allowing them to answer questions knowledgeably and offer in-depth insight and ideas. The main objective of an RD Demo is NOT to “feed” the customer but rather to educate and inspire them into making a purchase.
Whether large or small, national or local, food or non-foods, RD Demos can accommodate your company's specific needs.
Food safety is an integral part of our business. As such, all of our representatives are educated and certified under the strictest food-safety guidelines in accordance with all state and local ordinances.
The RD Demos online portal offers you easy access to all your scheduled demos at Restaurant Depot as well as a rich array of reporting tools to help you gauge success.