The Hellenic Confederation of Commerce and Entrepreneurship (ESEE) is a peak organization representing the Hellenic commerce community, as well as the SME (small-medium enterprises) on national and international level.
ESEE is a powerful and responsible social partner that plays an institutional role in the Greek economy and Society by:
Supporting the Greek economy. ESEE expends all efforts to help the commerce play the role of a true engine, which will promote viable and sustainable financial development. At the same time, through its activities ESEE promotes competitiveness and financial development throughout the country.
Taking a critical but constructive stand towards Government.
Intervenes in the governmental economic policy making in order to create a friendlier environment for Greek and foreign investors.
Supporting always merchants and small-medium-sized businessmen.
Sustaining employment. ESEE participates in the National Committee for Employment, the National Committee for Social Integrate and in other institutions promoting employment, where it submits proposals aiming at combating unemployment.
Standing by the consumer. ESEE puts pressure on the primary and secondary sectors to promote the production of better quality products at competitive prices. It also assists commercial enterprises in upgrading their activities and helps the consumers to enjoy better services.
Contributing to peaceful social conditions. It co-signs the National General Collective Labour Agreement and other separate sectoral collective labour agreements. It also participates in the Economic and Social Committee as well as on numerous other institutional agencies. It also highlights the social role of the enterprises and seeks to establish a social involvement mentality on a voluntary basis.
Representing Hellenic Commerce Internationally.