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About Maria Veleni
Maria Veleni is Supplies Assistant at Airblock in Industrial zone of Sindos
Block 56B
Thessaloniki, Macedonia 57022, GR. Previously worked at Salt Odyssey as Sales Customer Support. Airblock is a Automation Machinery Manufacturing company in Industrial zone of Sindos
Block 56B
Thessaloniki, Macedonia 57022, GR with 19 employees
Maria Veleni Social
Maria Veleni Work
Maria Veleni is the Supplies Assistant @Airblock, with experience in Sales Customer Support @Salt Odyssey
饾棓饾椂饾椏饾棷饾椆饾椉饾棸饾椄 is a Greek leading commercial company that provides integrated compressed air solutions for any large, medium or small production units, as well as industries, across Greece. We accomplish all the above by offering detailed technical know-how around research, supply, implementation and technical support.
The company was founded in 1977 by Charalambos Akritidis and started off by constructing Pneumatic Cylinders and Air Valves. Our 1st retail store opened in 1989 in the city centre of Thessaloniki, and in 2005 our 2nd branch was introduced, this time in the industrial area of Sindos. In the past 5 years, we managed not only to double our annual turnover, but also to succeed in duplicating our staff. We reached an important milestone in 2019 when moving to our new, privately owned (1,500 sq.m.) facilities in Sindos.
Our 40-year experience, combined with our deep, thorough and "all-around" knowledge of the compressed air industry, have helped us become leading #expAIRts in our respective field.
饾棖饾棦饾棤饾棧饾棙饾棫饾棞饾棫饾棞饾棭饾棙 饾棓饾棗饾棭饾棓饾棥饾棫饾棓饾棜饾棙饾棪
馃敺 Design, install and support an entire compressed air system
馃敺 Highly-specialized technical support and service department
馃敺 Large stock in available parts and consumables
馃敺 Collaborations with some of the largest suppliers in Europe
What needs to be stated, with utmost certainty, is that none of the above could have happened if it wasn't for Our People. With them, we managed to thrive and set even higher goals. By providing a modern work environment, new training opportunities and non-stop opportunities for personal growth, we make sure they have all the necessary tools to complete their tasks and reach their goals.
In order to inform yourself about our 饾棢饾椂饾椈饾椄饾棽饾棻饾棞饾椈 饾棖饾椉饾椇饾椇饾槀饾椈饾椂饾榿饾槅 饾棜饾槀饾椂饾棻饾棽饾椆饾椂饾椈饾棽饾榾, please visit: