Wir kennen Ihre Lage.
Als Deutschlands Immobilienspezialist für 1A-Lagen verbinden wir Potenziale. Für jede Marke, jeden Mieter, jedes Vorhaben gibt es die perfekte Lage. Unsere sechs Standorte in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Osnabrück, Frankfurt, Hamburg und München bilden das optimale Netzwerk, um unsere Expertise in den Geschäftsbereichen Einzelhandel, Office, Hospitality und Fachmarkt für Sie zu bündeln. Wir erreichen alle Lagen in deutschen Metropolregionen in kürzester Zeit. Unsere exzellente Kenntnis von Objekten, Menschen und Märkten und die Leidenschaft für den perfekten Deal liefern die Voraussetzungen für ein perfektes Matching. Und das seit 1992.
We are the location people
As Germany’s specialists when it comes to real estate in prime locations, we combine potential. There is a perfect location for every brand, every tenant, every project. Our six offices in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Osnabrück, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich form the ideal network for pooling our expertise for your benefit in the retail, office, hospitality and retail park business segments. We can acquire all locations in German metropolitan regions in next to no time. Our excellent understanding of properties, people and markets and our passion for the perfect deal serve as the framework for perfect matches. And have been doing so since 1992.
Real Estate and Equipment Rental Services, Development of industrial and commercial real estate, consultants and services, Services to businesses, Business Services, Real estate companies, Rental of offices, shops, commercial and industrial buildings, Property development, management and sales services