Russian State Technological University (MATI) is one of the leading Russian technical universities where highly skilled experts in the field of advanced materials and high technologies are trained. Among the University teaching staff there are Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Engineering Academy, Russian Academy of Technological Sciences and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. About 260 Professors and Doctors of Sciences as well as more than 700 associate professors and Ph.D. scientists work at the University. University realizes the training according to the 24 specialties of higher education and trains researchers according to the 28 scientific specialties, carries out retraining of the specialists from industry.
Cooperation of MATI and Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center (Khrunichev Space R&D Center - is a leader of national space industry) in the field of training of the specialists for aerospace industry, as well as scientific and research cooperation in development of new technology for space exploration has resulted in establishing MATI’s branch at Khrunichev Space R&D Center. The main fields of Aerospace University activity are the following:
* development of the educational programs for additional education in Aerospace Engineering;
* specialized training of the technical staff (engineers, technicians and etc.);
* short-term educational programs for foreign specialists from aerospace industry.