PLANA ABOGADOS & ECONOMISTAS has provided professional tax advice since 1943, and is currently a firm of reference in legal and tax matters.
Its continued growth since its foundation, has allowed PLANA ABOGADOS & ECONOMISTAS to have a team able to offer professional services in legal and tax matters in accordance with our commitment to quality and service to the client.
Our professional services are based on solid knowledge, long experience, teamwork and an excellent treatment of clients, with a valuable reputation of professional integrity at the national and international level.
The philosophy of PLANA ABOGADOS & ECONOMISTAS is to obtain our client’s satisfaction through a durable relation of trust based on the quality and results of our advice.
Not all our clients have the same needs. For this reason, a proper planning and control of our performance allows us to offer personalised assistance and maximum confidentiality.
Our services are oriented to cover the needs of our clients in all aspects, to which end we have several specialised departments in legal and tax advice.
The relation between the different departments gives us a global perspective and faster and better decision making.
Legal Services, Notaries, Services to businesses, Business Services, Legal experts
HQ Location
Avenida Diagonal, 453 bis, entlo.
Barcelona, 08036, ES