Augustus Capital was established in 2013 for the distribution of Lierde SICAV.
The track record of Lierde SICAV is exceptional with a historical average annual return of 14% since 1994, tripling the annual return of the European market with lower risk levels than the market.
During one of the worst cycles for equity markets (2000-2014), Lierde achieved a total return of 132%, outperforming the main European indexes by a wide margin (over 100%).
Lierde is a directional open-ended investment fund, biased to Europe and actively managed (no benchmark). The portfolio is well-diversified in 50-60 high quality companies without any size restriction.
Our investment philosophy is focused on companies that are able to create value (Return on Capital Employed higher than Cost of Capital) on a sustainable basis. Investment ideas are generated internally and are researched in detail in-house.