Founded in the second quarter of 2014, Coinspeaker is the number one news source written especially for professionals dealing with bitcoin and altcoin.
Read by over 200,000 unique visitors per month, CoinSpeaker’s readers comprise a select in-the-know community consisting of venture capitalists, start-up CEOs, merchants accepting bitcoin as payment and analysts working at private banks and asset management funds who are focused on the virtual currency arena. As a result of possessing this unique community of market professionals and high net worth readers, CoinSpeaker’s overall readership is expanding rapidly month-on-month and its content is becoming increasingly influential in the bitcoin and altcoin communities.
Coinspeaker’s superior reputation for providing quality content on a daily basis is driven by the site’s team of dedicated professional financial journalists who maintain an impartial bias for high-quality, market-driven scoops as well as for a wide range of brief but in-depth analyses on price movements, trading events and stories which meaningfully impact the material state of the virtual currency landscape.
Coinspeaker’s coverage spans every aspect of the bitcoin and altcoin markets, featuring a mix of regular Tech Wraps, daily and weekly Market Updates, features, interviews and much more, always delivering the core story in a simple and to-the-point factual style.
Coinspeaker’s financial markets coverage of bitcoin and altcoins hones in on the news that professionals in the community need to know now in order to identify key trends, passing fads and goings on all all with the aim of gaining a wider and more informed perspective of the commercial environment and staying abreast of key developments so that they can consistently make money, no matter what the price of bitcoin is doing.