Ministarstvo rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike (MRMSOSP) obavlja upravne poslove koji se odnose na politiku zapošljavanja, tržište rada i aktivnu politiku zapošljavanja, programe povećanja zapošljivosti, sustav i politiku mirovinskog osiguranja, socijalno partnerstvo i odnose sa sindikatima i udrugama poslodavaca, radnopravni status stranih državljana zaposlenih u Republici Hrvatskoj kao i hrvatskih građana zaposlenih u inozemstvu i druge poslove. Ministarstvo također sudjeluje u provedbi projekata iz programa Europske unije. Više o Ministarstvu pronađite na web adresi:
The Ministry of Labour and Pension System carries out administrative and other tasks related to the: labour law, labour market, employment and active labour market policy, unemployment records and employment assistance, work retraining and employability enhancement programmes. The Ministry carries out tasks related pension insurance system and social security policy, social dialogue and social partnership and relations with employers, trade unions and their associations in the field of employment and labour law. The Ministry also participates in the preparation and implementation of programmes and projects funded by the EU, as well in other forms of the international financial assistance. The Ministry performs tasks related to the participation of the Republic of Croatia in the work of European Union bodies in the areas within the competence of the Ministry.