Chain Reaction Foundation works both nationally and locally to engage communities in building REAL SOCIAL COHESION in Australia.
Proud of our nation's First People, and our country's unique multicultural make up, we strive both by "keeping the conversation going" with government, business and community leaders, at the same time as working at grass roots in seriously disadvantaged communities, to leave strong meaningful footprints of social engagement across the divide.
We work to expunge the GREED GENE in our community and to replace it with respect, trust, and responsibility.
Informed by our Participatory Research, "People's Voices" and evaluation of our programs by Western Sydney University 2006, 2009 and 2016 we focus on:
• Building leadership as an enabling experience across communities, corporations, and governments – Enablers and Family Skills Programs
• Through Mt Druitt Learning Ground, a behavioural change management centre.
• Educating for change through Chain Reaction Breakfast Cafe
We work with change agents, young and old, corporate, government, and community leaders, paid workers, and volunteers.