Elekt is a technology company. We think that everyone should have the opportunity to make smart energy choices - which positively affects both our wallets and our planet.
Therefore, we have built an app that collects everything you need to know about electricity in one place!
Download Energy prices by Elekt and test it for free:
- App Store: https://apps.apple.com/no/app/str%C3%B8mpriser/id1595480882 - - Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hessenhh.stromapp&hl=no&gl=US
- Perfect for those who are curious and who love to learn, for those who want to reduce electricity costs and... for those who don't want to spend unnecessary time worrying about electricity.
Our app helps households manage electricity in a completely new and engaging way. Our goal is to help people save money on electricity and to manage electricity consumption effectively - regardless of which supplier you have.
Do like millions of others: Download the app and get started - completely free!🎉