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About Marco Fedato
Marco Fedato is Head Of Investment Promotion Department at INVEST IN LOMBARDY in milan, lombardy, italy. Previously worked at INVEST IN LOMBARDY as Global Development Manager. INVEST IN LOMBARDY is a International Trade and Development company in Via Carducci 16
Milano, MI 20123, IT with 7 employees
Marco Fedato Social
Marco Fedato Work
Marco Fedato is the Head Of Investment Promotion Department @INVEST IN LOMBARDY, with experience in Global Development Manager, International Business Development Manager - Consulting Department @INVEST IN LOMBARDY, promos ▫ camera di commercio di milano
Invest in Lombardy è il servizio responsabile per l'attrazione di investimenti esteri in Lombardia. Il progetto è promosso da Unioncamere Lombardia, dal Sistema Camerale lombardo e da Promos Italia S.c.r.l.- l'Agenzia italiana per l'internazionalizzazione - con il supporto di Regione Lombardia.
Invest in Lombardy è un network regionale che supporta il mondo imprenditoriale, fornendo l'assistenza necessaria alla finalizzazione dell'investimento estero sul territorio.
Invest in Lombardy is the service for attracting foreign investments into the Lombardy region. The project is promoted by Unioncamere Lombardia, the Lombardy Chambers of Commerce network and Promos Italia - the
Italian agency for internationalization - with the support of Regione Lombardia.
Invest in Lombardy is structured as a regional network that works closely with business communities and helps address their needs.
business strategy, international relations, management consulting, management, international development, international sales, marketing, international business, strategy, project management, international marketing, business development, public administration, public affairs, international project management, event management, entrepreneurship, public policy, public sector, emerging markets, event planning, public and private sectors, private and public sectors
Marco Fedato Email & Phone number
These email and Phone numbers are the most updated and verified contact information for Marco Fedato found in 2025.