We are a Multi-Family Office that focuses on the management, control, and monitoring of our client's wealth, in order to help them achieve their personal wealth management goals. With an independent strategic consulting structure, Proaltus Capital Partners looks to add value to wealth through professional and profound advising, according to their client's individual interests.
Proaltus Capital Partners, through Proaltus USA Inc., is a financial advisory firm registered and regulated under the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a body regulating the financial services industry in the United States.
*Registration of an investment adviser does not imply any level of skill or training.
Somos un Multi-Family Office que se enfoca en la gestión, control y seguimiento patrimonial de nuestros clientes, con la finalidad de ayudarles en la consecución de sus objetivos personales y patrimoniales. Con una estructura de consultoría estratégica independiente, Proaltus Capital Partners pretende agregar valor al patrimonio a través de asesoría profesional y profunda, de acuerdo con los intereses particulares de sus clientes.
Proaltus Capital Partners, a través de Proaltus USA Inc., es una empresa de asesoría financiera registrada y regulada bajo la U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
*El registro de un asesor financiero no implica ningún nivel de habilidad o capacitación.