Brisbane Capital Pty Ltd specialises in providing pre-settlement and post-settlement loans to individuals who have personal injury claims in progress.
The loans are aimed at assisting individuals to cover their essential living expenses while awaiting the outcome of the claim.
When one is injured, the income is often reduced or cut altogether. The bills continue to arrive and car payments, rent or mortgages continue to become due. Traditional lenders do not lend to people with reduced income.
Brisbane Capital lends against the expected proceeds of an injury claim.
This allows the individual to keep the wolves from the door and allowing their solicitor to conduct the claim without the pressure of a financially-stressed client.
No repayments are necessary during the term of the loan and the entire loan is repaid by the solicitors handling the claim and out of the proceeds of the claim when the proceeds eventuate.
Brisbane Capital has assisted thousands of injured people at a time when financial help is needed most.
For client and lawyer testimonials go to:
Brisbane Capital Pty Ltd
ABN 46115153163
Australian Credit Licence 378356.
Tel: (07) 3112-5290 or 1300-500-289.
Level 22, 69 Ann Street
Brisbane QLD 4000