We create lifelike digital humans to serve as AI employees for your business. Utilizing the most advanced AI technology, we automate tasks such as customer support, marketing, sales, recruiting, onboarding, and shopping assistance.
Our digital humans called "Avatari" are AI chatbots with a realistic virtual body that can seamlessly integrate into your website or app. They can speak most languages, talk with an endless number of clients simultaneously for almost no costs, and adjust their appearance and talking style to each specific target group and customer, making them highly attractive for people to return to your webpage, buy more, have fewer complaints, and engage in word-of-mouth marketing. With Avatari, customers can talk freely via voice, leading to increased trust and emotional connection. Without a virtual body, text-based chatbots are unattractive and won't be used, meaning no cost savings.
Our complete solution is tailored to your needs, starting at 50.000 euros/dollars. Contact us - request@avataris.io - to learn more about how Avatari can benefit your business. Act fast to avoid our waiting list.