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About Manuel Stephan
Manuel Stephan is Mission Director At ' The Perfect Home ' at Every Home for Christ International / Canada in lebanon. Previously worked at Le royal hotel amman as Security Guard. Every Home for Christ International / Canada is a Non-profit Organizations company in Guelph, CA with 7 employees
Every Home for Christ International / Canada (EHC) is a worldwide coalition of Christian workers committed to reaching this generation home by home with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are missionaries, evangelists and disciple-makers serving in Canada and laboring on every continent.
EHC was founded in 1946 by Jack McAlister, a visionary pastor in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Known for many years as World Literature Crusade, EHC has grown exponentially in its first six decades. Today it may well be the most extensive evangelistic ministry of its kind in the world, with thousands of indigenous Christian workers taking the Gospel from home to home. Since record keeping began in the early 1950s, EHC has delivered the Good News in person to more than 1.4 billion homes. Over 93 million people have written to EHC offices worldwide indicating their desire to know more about Jesus and how to follow Him. Many of those millions of people have completed the EHC introductory Bible course offered free to new believers. And, under EHC’s guidance, more than 170,000 local fellowships called “Christ Groups” have been established.
EHC has a broad and deep history of evangelistic enterprise; and while we have been successful in spreading the Word internationally we are equally determined to reach Canada for Christ as well. That is the aim of Finding the Hope—the most intensive, focused Gospel campaign we have ever planned, a campaign to reach all of Canada’s 34 million people.