FortPallas is the most complete video content analysis solution dedicated to sensitive oil and gas installation sites and area protection. It was launched in 2021. our company is dedicated to developing, testing, and maintaining video analysis software. We can swiftly alter the current code to match your specific requirements if customization is required.
Among the many FortPallas applications, the following can be mentioned:
Determining safe zones
detecting whether or not safety equipment is being used.
gas leak detection based on thermal camera and image processing
smoke and fire ignition detection or the starting of a fire
Alarms can be reported locally to process monitoring devices or combined with a ringing alarm system, automated sprinkler activation, and a distant alarm to firefighters or rescue riots.
Team's key members:
Mansour Alirezaei - CEO
Ahad Kashefieh - COO
Alireza Masoumi - CTO
Fatemeh Ganji - CFO