Buzan Centre Pune
Buzan Center Pune
, India - is the only center of Tony Buzan's( creator of Mind Maps) in India. Established in 2006.
We conduct various programs in corporate houses mainly at Top & senior mid levels on a variety of topics.
The Education Sector can benefit tremendously by incorporating the 'Life Skills' of "Mind Maps", 'Speed Reading' & 'Knowledge Management'. We conduct sessions for the faculty members and also for students.
We have with us Ms. Jas Johari the only Buzan Advanced Licensed Instructor in India who also trains on 'Speed Reading' & 'Power Recall' techniques.
Mind Maps are used by almost all the Fortune 100 & Fortune 500 companies across the globe at all levels.
For India contact us for your requirements.
We have also recently launched our 'E-Learning' portal .
The 15-20 minute video based lessons would equip you with the techniques of 'Mind Maps', "Speed Reading", 'Memory'.
A MUST do course for anyone who needs the Brain to perform better !!! - Students and corporate executives too.
Helps you with better decision making, planning, retention, recall, and all other areas in which the Brain is used.
Memory Techniques Training Services, Personality Development, Corporate and Soft Skills Training, Education & Training, HR Planning & Recruitment
HQ Location
Arcade, Gaikwad
Pune, Maharashtra, in