Traffic Tech is a specialist provider of Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) products and solutions to transport industries across the globe. Our solutions provide key value for:
*Departments of Transportation / Toll Authorities
*Asset Owners / Operators
*Major Project Constructors / Joint Ventures / Engineering Contractors.
*Military Installations
Our Smart Lane Traffic Management range of products includes:
*Movable Medians - Smart Lane Movable Median (SLMM)
*Movable Barriers - Smart Lane Movable Barrier (SLMB)
*Motorway Boom Gates - Smart Lane Boom Gate (SLBG)
*Motorway Merge Gates - Smart Lane Merge Gates (SLMG)
*In-Pavement Lights - Smart Lane IPL (SLIPL)
Our Expanse Integrated Road Systems provide complete solutions for the following applications:
*Road and Tunnel Closures
*Tidal Flow
*Emergency Access
*Temporary Works Lane Closure
*Bus Terminal Access
*Multi-purpose / Managed Lane Access
*Roadside Cabinets and Devices