Habitat for Humanity Portland Region builds affordable and sustainable homes, and empowers people through successful homeownership.
Founded in 1981, Habitat for Humanity Portland Region serves Multnomah, east Washington, and northern Clackamas counties. We believe that everyone deserves a decent, affordable place to call home – especially those historically left out of homeownership.
We are the largest developer of affordable homes for sale in the Portland region, working with our community to build and repair more than 100 homes each year, from Gresham to Hillsboro. Sale prices are based on a lasting affordable model which ensures that the home is affordable not only to the first buyer but future generations as well.
All who believe that everyone needs a decent, affordable place to live are welcome to help with the work, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, political views or any of the other distinctions that too often divide people.
At Habitat for Humanity, our vision is a world where everyone — every person, every family, every child — has a decent and affordable place to call home.