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About Makson Carmo
Makson Carmo is Estagiã Rio at Projeta Group in sao luis, maranhao, brazil. Previously worked at Projeta Group as Estagiã Rio. Projeta Group is a Engineering Services company in Rua A, Q 2, N.1, Bairro: Vicente Fialho
São Luís, Maranhão 65073-210, BR with 48 employees
Projeta Group is a consultative engineering, project engineering, topography and geotechnical company founded in 1998 that provides services in the area of project design and infrastructure facilities services in general, with the mission of providing services to meet the needs of our customers, exceeding expectations. The company was created to develop innovative concepts in the services offered, applying technology in order to offer services that integrate the concept of economy, safety, environment and ergonomics.
Rua A, Q 2, N.1, Bairro: Vicente Fialho
São Luís, Maranhão 65073-210, BR
Engenharia de ProjetosAplicações de ProjetosTopografia e GeotecniRecuperação EstruturalChumbadores Químicos e MecanicosConcreto Projetadosondagemerolevantamento