The South Africa Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA) is a business unit of the National Research Foundation (NRF) with the mandate to advance public awareness, appreciation and engagement of science, engineering, innovation and technology in South Africa.
SAASTA’s contribution to the NRF’s vision is to grow the pool of quality learners today who will become the scientists and innovators of tomorrow.
All science promotion or awareness programmes within the NRF reside under three key strategic areas that combine to form an integrated and seamless approach.
Through education we build up the supply of tomorrow’s scientists and innovators.
Through communication we celebrate South African achievements in science and technology and build the public’s appreciation of the benefits of science.
By growing the awareness of science through exploration, exhibitions and actual experience, we instil in people an enthusiasm about the wonder and application of the subject, while encouraging greater public engagement in SET issues.
By taking overall ownership of science advancement initiatives within the NRF and on a countrywide scale, SAASTA is responding to an organisational as well as national imperative.