The Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (Alzheimer Hellas) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1995, by relatives of patients suffering from Alzheimer Disease as well as by doctors of all specialties - mainly by Neurologists and Psychiatrists and also by other experts (such as psychologists, social workers, physiotherapists, etc.) that deal with the problems caused by this disease and by other types of dementia.
Today, Alzheimer Hellas operates two Day Care Centers in Thessaloniki and has over 4.000 members. The first Day Care Center for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease was established in 2007, and encompasses a Day center for caregivers and a home care unit. In October 2009 we expanded our services with the creation of a new Day Care Center. Both Day Care Centers were implemented within the frames of the operational program “Health – Provision 2000-2006” with the co- financing of the European Union and the Greek Ministry of Health.